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ConcourseSuite CRM
ConcourseSuite CRM
ConcourseSuite CRM
ConcourseSuite CRM

ConcourseSuite CRM helps you manage your customer relationships. This program has a free trial version as well as an open source version and a compiled version. This program helps you with customer support, marketing and creating targeted email campaigns and customer surveys, opportunities and maintaining insight about the sale and where you are, entering contact lists and working with the entire sales team. This application is based on Java and with the standard plug-in architecture, it has the potential to become the largest enterprise. Due to its ease of use and low cost, ConcourseSuite CRM will also help small and medium-sized businesses. The program contains several integrated modules and developers can add custom functions. Other features of the app, including Leads and Pipeline, help you manage the entire sales cycle, from lead acquisition to tracking pipelines and quotes, Marketing enables you to create compelling marketing campaigns. Create tracking, customer service helps you identify and resolve customer issues. An advanced action plan, organizational document management and .. IS. ConcourseSuite CRM modules include CRM, Team, Web, Flex. The Team module is an integrated toolbox for collaboration. The features it offers you: creation of virtual workspace, role-based agent access to project resources, assignment of responsibilities, activation of all project team members up to date with the latest news, communication between project members and creation of a structured environment for discussion, Document management . The web module in ConcourseSuite CRM offers features such as integration with CRM to track information retrieved from the website, site design, web content management, and search engine optimization for e-commerce.