Our CRM service2024-05-08T21:56:05+02:00

Take innovative steps in Client Relationship Management


Our services help you with fact-based decision making around your investment in a new CRM solution

In both retail and wholesale, the quality and accessibility of your customer data are decisive for your business success. That's always been the case. But now, with the great leaps forward in digitization, data science and Ecommerce, real-time insight into your customer relations is more urgent than ever. Has your current CRM system grown with the groundbreaking technological innovations of the last decade? Probably not.
From analysis to purchase guidance
Sometimes upgrading and extending existing Customer Relationship Management software is the answer. But that can lead to complicated system integrations. In that case, investing in the new generation CRM software is often a better choice. Not only do you get more quality and strength in-house, 'starting over' often also works out more cost-effectively. CRM.solutions performs an expert and independent analysis for you to identify your best options.
Inventory and product comparison
But then the crucial question arises. Which CRM solution do I choose to be up to date now and in the future? Which functionalities add value to my business? Will I get enough flexibility and permanent support in-house not to be faced with another important investment choice in a few years' time? CRM.solutions brings together the complete international range of CRM software. Compare, make your own shortlist, and get advice from our community members.
Implementation support

The services of our CRM.solutions community go an important step further. We not only help you with up-to-date and independent information, but also with the next stages of the selection and purchase process. Our community members provide support during contract negotiations and are ready to steer the implementation process in the right direction. From A to Z – with the expertise and market insight of CRM.solutions you take steps that yield profit.
Analysis/second opinion

Our community members review your existing CRM environment and provide independent advice based on their analysis. Your business and market are the central starting point. Size advice is always based on knowledge of Ecommerce, IT and best cases.

Product comparison/(pre)selection

The primary and unique service of CRM.solutions provides an up-to-date overview and additional information. This allows you to make your own product comparisons, based on your requirements. Our members are ready to help you with the (pre)selection.

Purchase and implementation support

Regardless of the vendor formula you choose, CRM.solutions provides pragmatic guidance during negotiations. We know the market, we know the suppliers. And we have the required Ecommerce/IT expertise for implementation support.

The latest generation of CRM systems takes the level and efficiency of Customer Relationship Management to the next level
Ensure your business of the ultimate choice and get maximum value from your customer base

Expert and independent

The CRM.solutions community consists of experienced business analysts and Ecommerce/IT experts who are daily involved in the consultancy and implementation practice of software and tools that help to optimize the customer experience and customer loyalty. They sign up for expert and independent tailor-made advice and reliable services. Read more about CRM.solutions.
The ultimate goal: personalizing the customer journey.
Base: a central, integrated CRM system.
Organize the customer journey with 360⁰ customer profiles. Let the identity and behavior of your customers determine relevant, personal communication and offers. Put your customers first!

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