
Custobar Customer Data Platform collects and combines customer data from any source. Our easy-to-use tools help you segment customers and find audiences that are important to your business, such as most valuable customers or customers who have expressed interest in certain business products.

360° customer view
Custobar aggregates all customer data across multiple systems into one, unified and easy-to-understand 360° customer view. And not only from your website and e-commerce, but also from physical locations.

Target groups and customer segmentation
The benefits of Custobar's target audience and customer search are twofold. You can create a laser sharp target audience for your current marketing messages or deepen your understanding of your customer behavior.

Customer satisfaction research
An easy and powerful tool for collecting customer feedback and building actionable, comparable performance metrics.

CRM for in-store customer loyalty
Custobar Store Dashboard gives you full support for an omnichannel customer experience. We are happy to explain why you give your customer data to your employees on the work floor
will improve your business in several ways.

Mobile Loyalty Card
Personally identifying your customers is key to a meaningful customer experience. Customer Friendly has developed a state-of-the-art solution to provide consumers with a foolproof mobile
loyalty card solution.

RFM matrix
The Recency-Frequency-Monetary value model takes the guesswork out of segmentation. Custobar's built-in RFM matrix allows you to identify your new, VIP, passive and "lost" customers
based on when they've been active and how often they've bought, and quickly launch campaigns to reach these different groups.

Input and output
Custobar aggregates all customer data across multiple systems into one, unified and easy-to-understand 360° customer view. And not just from your website and
e-commerce, but also from physical locations