About CRM.solutions2024-04-17T16:19:44+02:00

Independent, professional.


CRM.solutions combines knowledge of software and suppliers with relevant experience with digitization and implementation processes

As an independent community, CRM.solutions encourages and facilitates the sharing of practical experience and knowledge in the field of digitization and system implementation. We provide information and advice based on a clear mission: to provide insight into the international range of CRM systems.
Our current supplier and product overview with more than … CRM solutions, news, blogs and, where necessary, additional advice offers tools for making a pre-selection. In addition, we make the right contacts for expert support in defining a wishes and requirements package and the decision-making process that results in a final selection. We also connect you with experienced specialists with a reliable track record in automation projects.
Experts in Digitization

CRM.solutions is firmly anchored in business practice. Our members bring broad experience in the field of software applications, especially in the online customer environment. Together we create the best match between specific business criteria and available CRM solutions.

Market and product knowledge

We have studied the CRM market, know which players are relevant, and closely follow product developments and innovations. Many members are actively involved in the operational setup and activation of CRM systems, with an extra focus on SMEs.

Independent and transparent

CRM.solutions is a well-informed, diverse and independent knowledge platform. We have no business interest in the software and/or suppliers that our platform showcases. All information is based on knowledge and experience.

Our services are based on practical and product knowledge, analytical skills and an independent vision of digitization and implementation solutions. Insight into technology and transparency are of paramount importance to us.

We are currently seeing an increasing urgency to invest in new, advanced CRM systems. The range of solutions is growing with it, software is becoming smarter and more flexible. With a lot of emphasis on integrated features for marketing, sales and customer contacts. Practice shows that the selection of a software package and vendor model that seamlessly matches specific business models and processes is complicated. The members of our community make their practical and product knowledge available to support challenging choice processes.

CRM.solutions helps with personalization of the customer journey.

Boost your business with a CRM to match.

4 AI Strategies for Increasing Customer Engagement with Social CRM

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Independent information about Customer Relationship Management tools

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