
Know the more QAlertt: a platform for local authorities to help them implement management solutions. Citizens can interact with local managers using a custom mobile app, add custom images, and manage requests in one place. In this case, when citizens report a problem, you will be reached directly. Using your website portal, citizens can track their application status. They can also communicate with you while resolving this issue by providing their feedback. The dashboard of QAlert app allows you to provide your information the way you want, as a result you gain citizens' trust and transparency. By providing route-based services, employees can focus on their problems and prioritize their workload. Features include card display, easy access to service requests, mass processing of requests, user notifications, access to a full knowledge base, re-updates and closing of service requests, custom text responses, branded emails DAR, programmed, automated and manual Notification options, instant submission information, scheduled reports, connection security, custom data collection, flight response, highlighting your performance, improving transparency, empowering citizens and building internal interaction. Which companies are recommended? In government, local and city departments and contact centers 311 is used to manage, track and resolve non-emergency requests, work instructions and common complaints from citizens