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A B2B sales platform for brands and brands, distributors, wholesalers. Pepperi software connects the power of the Qorus with B2B E-commerce on a cloud-level cloud platform, so you can sell bigger, smarter, faster and easily adapt to market dynamics. With Pepperi software you can sell, sell and sell more. This software can easily integrate with applications such as SAP, NetSuite, QuickBooks and other ERP systems. It is an e-commerce platform that helps track major retail businesses, manage catalogs, and maintain customer data. This software allows you to manage mobile orders, retail fulfillment and e-commerce on a single platform. With the help of this web software and native mobile applications, they also work online and offline with full synchronization. Target configuration allows you to match sales processes across all channels with the speed of business. Pepperi is designed with brands, distributors and retailers. The comprehensive, yet modular platform integrates the B2B field and online sales software and enables the planning, implementation and integrated analysis of all channel activities. Senior IT executives and information technology teams can create a friction-free B2B sales environment and reduce the hassle of disconnection processes and inconsistent customer experiences. A scalable cloud platform based on organizational architecture enables a large number of data and dismissal of information technology activities.