GEOCRM.Com gives Japanese companies access to automation tools to scale CRM support and increase sales output. Key features include centralized data management, feedback collection, and secure access protocols. It enables managers to digitize assets used in sales activities to optimize business opportunities.
GEOCRM.Com allows managers to capture business card information in real time using smartphones and scanners to digitize cards anytime, anywhere. It can support every department in a company, allowing organizations to standardize marketing activities across internal pipelines to maximize employee productivity.
GEOCRM.Com enables real-time visualization of sales reports and promotes rapid performance analysis. This software is intended for customer service departments of companies in Japan in various sectors, including e-commerce, call centers and travel.
This software is based on SaaS web and can run in the cloud but does not have a version that can be installed on PCs and mobile phones.
GEOCRM.Com support is done through the help section of the software, chatting with the support staff and exchanging emails with the software support department. Users learn how to work with this software by studying the educational documents that come with the software and by participating in educational webinars. It is a CRM mobile cloud service that aims to develop leads by entering a listening sheet and updating the customer card when visiting the customer.
GEOCRM.Com completes the loyalty card (CRM sheet) by listening and filling predetermined listening items in your daily sales activities. By contacting customers regularly, we build good customer relationships (CRM) and collect important information from there in customer charts. Potential customers for visits are displayed in different colors and can be instantly understood according to the customer's condition and the number of days after the visit of the visit history.
When the customer chart is enriched with GEOCRM.Com, it will be possible to search optimally according to the set listening items such as the number of days remaining until the end of the contract, the status of the introduction of competing products and whether or not to do the next to consider introduction. As a result, segmented clients are displayed in different colors on the map and clients are visualized for attacks on smart devices. This enables a more strategic and efficient offline approach in the field than before and enables a CRM that fits Japan's specific corporate culture.