ZumaCRM is a customer relationship management application that allows you to track contacts, customers, projects, projects and organize and track sales processes. Tasks using this program are those who want to track contacts, manage customer data, reports, projects and more. This app is suitable for companies of different sizes. The ZumaCRM app does not have a free version and does not offer a free trial. The version it provides you is cloud-based. So it is always available to you everywhere. It should be noted that this program was founded and supported in the United States. The pricing model that this program uses is determined for each feature. In general, the features of this program include mobile access, task management, internal chat integration, marketing automation, customer support portal, campaign management, leadership management, account-based marketing tools, pipeline search tools and management offers transactions, account and call management, activity and task management, pricing and product management, order management, contract management, commission management, proposal management, partner management, performance indicators, control panels, sales forecast.