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Fusion Software
Fusion Software
Fusion Software
Fusion Software

What is Fusion Software?
This software is designed to help you effectively track and manage projects, timelines, and billing information.
Best for small to medium sized businesses in the following industries: construction, engineering, finance, inventory control, sales and marketing, services and project management. This software is web based and can also work on the cloud. Can be installed and run on mobile phones with Android operating system
And personal computers with Windows operating system.
Software support is provided by chatting with software support personnel.
This software is taught to users through face-to-face training services.
Software features include: barcode and RFID, budget management, calendar and reminder system, check-in and check-out, customer portal, expense tracking,
Cost-to-complete tracking, document storage, forecasting, idea management, inventory optimization, inventory tracking, item management, milestone tracking and
Mobile access. Additional features include: quotes and estimates, reorder management, resource management, serial number tracking,
SKU and UPC codes, supplier management, job management, time and expense tracking, and traditional methods.
Increase sales and increase the productivity of your sales team with simple CRM.
Save time and money. Register, manage and bill for time more efficiently.
Project planning with source, task, budget and cost management.
Improve customer service. Quote, schedule, track your jobs in one place.
Record, organize and track lace problems in one place
A customer portal and online store fully integrated with our ERP solution.
We will help you with your ideas with our program developer.
Your business is unique - let's design a custom system to respond to these features.