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What is 1by1?

1by1 is a compatible and easy-to-use marketing automation software for you. Users can use it to send custom communication and product recommendations according to each profile. The software automatically integrates all input and output channels with ready-made triggers. This allows your marketing team to engage all of their customers with their online and offline behavior courses. You can increase your customer loyalty by adjusting your omnichannel strategy with this software. We already have many customers, from only payers to retailers. Our goal is to provide software in many industries for companies that want to maximize customer loyalty.

1by1 is web-based and can work on the cloud, but does not have a version that can be installed on personal computers and mobile phones. This software, 1by1, has face-to-face and online education services. The user can also learn how to use the software by reading the educational documents included with 1by1. Software components include: Campaign Management, Customer Segmentation, Data Integration, Drip Campaigns, GDPR Compliance, Customer Management, Customer Subsidy, Marketing Automation Personalize, Track Return, Segment and Track Website Visitors. Dynamic Data Management in this software enables your team to integrate all databases online and offline. Many filters and parameters are available to you.