
Clavus is a collaboration solution that simplifies email, document exchange and communication securely anywhere, anytime. Unlimited mailboxes, pricing based on storage space - Office suite included (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) - Communication tools included - Organization performance and business add-ons support - One-click access control to data - Exclusive visibility to Individual and traceability on documents - multi-device platform - label availability - fast transfer and local support are the hallmarks of this software.
Clavus is best for hardware resellers, startups and distributors in the renewable energy industry. This software is web-based SaaS and can be run in the cloud but can also be installed and run on PCs with Mac OS, PCs with Windows OS and PCs with Linux OS.
Clavus support is provided twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week through the help section of the software, chatting with the support staff and exchanging emails with the software support department. Users learn how to work with this software through in-person and online training services. The user can also learn more about working with the software by reading the educational documents that come with the software and by participating in educational webinars and watching educational videos.
Clavus has a free trial version that the user can use to test the software and, if satisfied, purchase the full version. Software features include: brainstorming, calendar management, collaboration tools, content management, document management, document storage, email management, file sharing, file transfer, mobile access, prioritization, project management, editing Real-time, real-time notifications and secure data storage.
Additional Clavus features include: task management, versioning, and video conferencing. It is primarily an EDM or smart electronic document manager, whose design is driven by the need for independent management of sensitive documents. The software promises to guarantee the intellectual property of every document, provides simple and secure version management, maintains independent backups and can index thousands of files, which can be retrieved in less than 1 second.