
What is Sales Front?
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool that helps businesses store contacts and customers, manage customers, and simplify sales processes.
SalesFront® is an iPad app that optimally supports the sales team. With simple gestures, the consultant can show the services that are suitable for him to his client, without much explanation. SalesFront® dynamically integrates customer information into product presentation.
For media consultants, the tablet is an ideal filing and ordering tool in this area: small, light, compact, turn on instantly, can work with your fingers, has a long battery life and prevents it from scraping. Customers during sales negotiations are also great for showing a variety of mobile ads.
Salesfront works online and offline. The data is synchronized in both directions and can be adjusted individually for each consultant.
Provides a contact and order list with extensive filtering options, status information and a full overview map view.
Adjustable information center and dashboards replace free printed advertising materials. Different tabs can be used to structure.
Texts, images, videos and live websites can be pre-configured and set up individually in complex showcases. Provide childish play with Salesfront.
Freely customizable forms can be pre-populated with data and filled out and signed directly at the customer's site. A mandatory field survey is embedded.
Salesfront has been on the market since 2010 and is becoming increasingly popular with media consultants in Germany. In 2015, Salesfront received the German Media Directory Award.