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Learn more about Aframe: This is an integrated transaction management and customer relationship management software that thinks like a real estate expert. Communicate with customers, align with your team and so on. Overall, this software makes our processes more efficient and saves time and money, as well as more time to produce interesting and creative content. Organize the "AFrame" using the dashboard and provide meaningful analysis. Set goals. Tracking key sales metrics is right for which jobs and occupations? Suitable for real estate professionals who do a lot of business every day.

How to install Aframe software? Web-based software can work in the cloud and can be installed on iPhone and iPad. Does the software offer a free version? This software does not have a free version, but it does offer a free trial version that you can purchase if you wish.
Study the educational documents that come with the software and participate in educational webinars
The components of AFrame software include: Alerts and Notifications, Calendar and Reminder System, Client and Assets, Commission Management, Call Management, Contract and License Management, Document Storage, Electronic Signature, Email Marketing, File Sharing, Client Production, Client Management, Client Earning, Marketing Automation , mobile access, quotes and estimates, referrals, segmentation and workforce management. AFrame support is provided through questions and answers in the forum and FAQ section.