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Identify Cloze: Customer relationship management software integrated with contact management, customer management, and communication management features. A customer relationship management tool that automatically collects personal information from phone calls, emails, documents, and social media accounts and presents it on a unified platform actually requires data entry processes. Cloze acts as a personal assistant, always encouraging and reminding you at the right time. You collect what you remember and all your audience in one place. Important information is available in one convenient place and the automatic reminder algorithm reminds you by sending a message or phone call, and it can work on iPhones and iPads in the cloud. And Apple phones are installed with the Android operating system. What is Cloze support? It can be reported through questions and answers to the support department. Does the software offer a free version? There is no free version of the software available but there is a free trial version that can be downloaded after use and downloaded Cloze if desired. Customer qualification, mobile marketing automation, pricing and estimates, social media integration, service management and territory management. The software is easy to work with and the software is great at tracking potential customers. Cloze has templates for replying emails. It's very easy to use.