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BoondManager is an application for business management, human resources and business managers and business owners. This software package does not need to be installed. It is also suitable for companies that offer direct or fixed rates. The features of this program include identifying business opportunities, project monitoring, program management, activity tracking, collecting time reports, expense reports, and generating customer invoices. This app also integrates with your favorite apps like LinkedIn, Gmail, Zapir, Showcase, Signature, Mandi, Wise, Office 365. The BoondManager app helps you to: identify and track the right candidates, improve business performance, track progress monitor project profitability, guide and support employees, facilitate collection of time and expenses, generate and track customer and supplier invoices, with effective operational safety management indicators. The key features of this app include customer tracking, customer accounts, app marketplace, employee tracking, time and expense tracking, dashboard management, activity reporting, management management, procurement management, project management, and operations management. With BoondManager in employee tracking, you can make plans for workload, employment, income, profitability, etc. and salary preparation files. Also indicate what has been done and what still needs to be done. In terms of employment management, you can manage the hiring process by using the library and using LinkedIn. You can also store all customers, partners in a centralized database. In terms of business management, you can officially track your money. In the BoondManager dashboard, you can also instantly create reports and get business indicators for business and HR, project and administrative management.