Infocob CRM
Infocob CRM

What is info cob CRM?
Info COB CRM is a customized CRM software, compatible and connected to the Internet.
Best for SMBs that want to do things better.
This software is based on SaaS Cloud and can be run on the cloud
It can also be installed and run on personal computers with Mac operating system and personal computers with Windows operating system.
Software support is done by making phone calls to the support staff, software help section, FAQs, asking questions on the forum and exchanging emails with the software support department.
This software is taught to users through face-to-face and online training services. The user can also learn more about how to work with the software by studying the educational documents together with the software and participating in educational webinars and watching educational videos.
Software features include: calendar and reminder system, document storage, email marketing, internal chat integration, customer production, customer competency, marketing automation, mobile access, quotes and estimates, segmentation, social media integration, task management, and domain management.
A strategic tool for building customer loyalty and increasing productivity.
Build customer loyalty and learn new things.
Simplify your information system to limit the number of applications and reduce costs.
Simplify information sharing and centralize data in a single database for better use for development purposes.
Improve customer knowledge, understand their expectations to increase customer satisfaction
Improve internal performance and team productivity, development factors that ensure sustainability.