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Learn more about WPCRM: Customer Relationship Management takes your business to the next level with smart business implementation, deeper EPR integration, and the long-term success history of a trusted team of experts. And the decision data you need is easily accessible and easy to use. Even on the go. With advanced business decision analysis tools, you can empower your sales force to make confident decisions at the executive level. Which companies are they? Software designed for small businesses What devices can be installed? Enhanced software can be installed on the cloud, but cannot be run on a computer with a mobile phone. How is the software supported? Support is available via live desk and chat room. How is software training possible? Live Online Training This can be done through webinars and educational documents. Working with the software can also be learned. Does the software offer free use? The version is free and the free trial version of the software is not available. What functions does it have? It has a calendar and reminder system, email marketing, interaction tracking, internal chat integration, marketing automation, mobile access, quotes and estimates, reporting and analytics, sales pipeline management, segmentation, task management, and domain management