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Worldfone 4x
Worldfone 4x
Worldfone 4x
Worldfone 4x

More information about Worldfone 4x? It is a product of South Telecom Company and Customer Relationship Management Software is integrated with PBX. The software has all the common features of PBX including IVR, Call Transfer, ACD. The software also has the functions of list management, group status, decentralization, operations management. And it's information management and this software has omnichanal systems and integrates with other flagship software like Zoho, Salesforce, Microsoft Teams. Which companies are suitable software? This software actually helps all businesses. Its main purpose is in the banking, financial, educational, tourism and hospital industries. How is the software installed? The software is based on improving the ability to install on the cloud and can run on a computer with Mac and Windows operating system. It also works on a mobile phone with Android operating system. Has the free use of the software become cultural? The software does not have a free version, but offers a free trial version, which can be purchased if you are satisfied. What language does it not support? Supports English. What parts and functions does the software reject? To strengthen the reminder system, document storage, internal chat integration, quotes and estimates, reporting and analytics, social media integration and task management