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Learn more about VTC CRM: cloud-based software designed to be combined and designed for small and medium businesses in the 21st century sales, marketing, service and accounting Get 360 degree customer vision, related real-time reports and automatic notifications on any device, and in fact, there is no minimum number of users required and no hidden costs for hosting in Europe. To answer your questions you will receive a free Easy Data Transfer of one hour at no extra cost and can be integrated with MailChimp, MS, Exchange Which companies are more suitable for the software? The software is suitable for small and medium businesses and is generally suitable for financial services, e-commerce, healthcare, startup brokerage. How should you install the software? The software is web-based and can be installed on the cloud. It can be run on a computer with Mac and Windows operating systems. How is the software supported? Chat room enables software support how is software training? Training is available in person, live and online through webinars and training documents. Does the software offer a free version to customers? The software offers a free trial version for customers but does not have a free version. What are the sections and functions? It has a calendar and reminder system, document storage, email marketing, marketing automation, segmentation, task management, and domain management.