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It is an international web-based software available alongside Windows and Linux versions of Android and iOS. With the help of the integrated system of this software, the sales team does not need to use any other management software and can easily manage its financial management. Did. This software helps the sales and marketing team of all kinds of businesses including small, medium and large in all areas. Simple user interface, reasonable price, accurate statistical analysis, customer database features, billing portals, campaign management, document storage and adjustable factors are just some of the features of this software. The CRM Sellsy CRM kits combine all the digital tools and recommendations to grow your business. Accepting Celsius means giving key tools to your sales, marketing and office teams to be effective!
Save Time: Pipelines, sales automation, email marketing and more - everything is designed to save your time. Increase your sales: From target groups and opportunities to creating the quote - we help you grow your business effectively. Simplify your accounting: invoicing and payment, purchase entry and bank accounting. Sellsy is designed to simplify your life and your accountants.
Make your payments secure: online payment, electronic signatures and subscription management - We make payment easy and secure. Get real customer service: Our support team has seen it all and every step for how your business boom is with you. Our search, sales, billing and management tools are powerful, both alone and together in the CRM suite.