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Sales Simplicity
Sales Simplicity
Sales Simplicity
Sales Simplicity

What is Sales Simplicity?
Simplicity of sales is made by Mitek, the North American leader in SaaS CRM software and sales automation in the construction market.
This SaaS web-based software is cloudy and can run on the cloud, but does not have a version that can be installed on personal computers and mobile phones.
Software users can access the valid electronic signature system in all contracts and legal documents at no cost. Experience the simplicity of paperless selling by choosing from options to create a contract and sign a buyer. Register customers on local iPads to complete the sale
Sales Simplicity, through a partnership with Docusign, can manage the entire customer sales interaction from vision development and option selection to customer signature in the final contact through a paperless process. The paperless process also extends to the new customer relationship management tools and their direct integration of Simple Customer Relationship into multiple sales Simplicity award-winning sales force automation solutions.
Everything is easier when the software works your way.
Introducing the only fully customizable sales, CRM and e-marketing solution in the housing industry.
Number one in the United States and Canada.
Client screens: Attract and manage potential clients, leads, buyers, real estate consultants and homeowners with multiple financial scenarios.
Full Language Independence: The industry's only user-defined CRM / sales system, top to bottom - any page, any tab you want, any language, anywhere, anywhere
Powerful reporting capabilities: 100+ embedded crystal reports, custom reports available upon request.
Dashboard Graphics: Powerful on-demand dashboards to measure sales, performance, margins, campaigns and more
Design Center Management: Manage and view license, in-depth, exclusive options, wildcard option rules, features, images, wireless tablet PCs and/or barcodes.
Customer Relationship Management: Auto-Complete Calls, Emails, Emails and HTML Eblasts - Track Clicks, Open Rates, Skip and Unsubscribe.