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Pobuca Connect
Pobuca Connect

This app provides you a phone management tool to share your contacts with your colleagues. Convert various business companies into a seamless address book and access anywhere! Pobuca Relationship Planning is an advanced CRM CRM program that helps you organize cues from your business, customize marketing campaigns and manage your sales generator. It is also a virtual assistant to search and update your promotional information. You can upgrade your team with a versatile call management tool using Pobuca app, convert multiple business calls into an integrated address book and access from web, mobile or even Outlook and Gmail. In this platform, add custom fields and tags to organize your contacts, track activities, set tasks and automatically enrich contacts using LinkedIn and email signatures. This app has a free, trial version that you can use. The Pobuca program is the best management tool for all business employees and small, medium and large organizations. Pobuca provides customer experience and loyalty to your business. This cloud-based software helps you measure and improve customer experience and improve it to increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and support. This app provides you with all major solutions from consulting services to solution design, custom customization, after-sales technical support and marketing management services.