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OpPlan CRM
OpPlan CRM
OpPlan CRM
OpPlan CRM

What is opplan CRM?
Opplan Opportion Management Platform helps B2B customers to significantly improve forecasting accuracy and win-win rates while reducing the loss of their salespeople. Achieve higher profit margins by improving sales performance and reducing sales costs. Our clients use artificial intelligence (AI) and sales platform embedded in the platform. By using best practices in their sales processes and methods, your salespeople will buy consistently.
Suitable for which companies? This software is suitable for B2B organizations with complex sales and consulting cycles.
How to install this software? This software is based and has the ability to work on the cloud space. It can also be installed on Android operating system mobile phones, iPad tablets and mobile phones.
How is software training? Education of this software to users is done through face-to-face and online education services. What are the features of the software? Software features include: Activity Dashboard, Customer Relation Management, Interaction Tracking, Customer Management, Customer Competence, Predictive Analytics, Reporting and Statistics, Reporting and Analytics, and
Sales path management.
Overall: Software support is incredible and is necessary to ensure the success of your sales force.
No cumbersome interface, lack of features, difficulty and duration. You need a customer relationship management software that understands sales methods and is very easy to use.