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Lead Docket
Lead Docket
Lead Docket
Lead Docket

Lead Docket is a cloud-based client software and client relationship management software designed for legal firms and legal experts. Lead Docket is based on a clean, seamless process of collecting information about where your customers are following their marketing efforts and marketing references. Automatically generate documents with automatic text messages, enter previous information from your file management system and communicate with your clients.
Docket Nead is better for small, medium or enterprise businesses looking to increase business through their marketing channels. Based on the web ability to work in the cloud (without software installation software). Software sections include: Dashboard of Activity, Warnings and Meldifications,
Calendar and Reminder System, Campaign Management, Customer Relationship Management, Programmable Reporting, Customer Distribution, Customer Management, Reporting & Statistics, Reporting & Analytics, Pipeline Management, Segmentation, and Work Management. Like Filevine, Lead Docket was founded by lawyers who wanted a real solution to their problems. Like FileVine, they are experiencing rapid growth as savvy companies understand the benefits of using their products. And most importantly, like FileVine, Lead Docket aims to essentially improve and enhance attorney performance for attorneys, employees, and clients.
Lead Docket will continue to operate as an independent product available to customers of any file management system. Over time, we will integrate lead docket technology as an integrated product into our main platform. Working together, we have moved one step closer to our prospects for the ultimate solution for legal.