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Lawmatics is a leading customer relationship management software that provides legal businesses with a complete solution for customer acquisition, customer relationship management and marketing automation. Key features include contact management, customer receipt automation (custom forms, calendars, document assembly, and electronic signature), email marketing and asset tracking, analytics and reporting, and more. With the constitution, law firms earn more customers, influence customers and are more efficient. Which businesses and companies are recommended? Suitable for law firms looking for a client relationship management platform for client adoption and client marketing automation that eliminate administrative tasks and enable them to gain more market share, influence clients and more efficiently. Which devices can be installed? This software is web based and can work on the cloud. It can also be installed on PCs with Windows operating system, desktop desktop and PCs with Mac operating system. Does the software have a free version? No, software is free and free trial does not provide software support by email exchange with support department, software assistance, Q&A section, questions in the forum, phone call to do support and chat section with support staff. Software training for employees is done through online training services, user participation in training webinars, reading documents provided with software, and watching educational videos.