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Jigawatt is a platform that helps solar companies generate quality leads and manage their work. The program uses integrated CRM and you can use it to create solar array layouts, cost solar dynamite, convert prompts and manage projects. The features of this program are as follows: Solar (You can use it to expand your online self-help resources. It also allows you to place your roof in a satellite view and the best areas to place solar panels. Other uses include financing and Energy Savings Prediction ), design layouts (help you use custom solar layout tools to create array renderings in seconds), build quotes (in sales teams, employees can easily announce red-line pricing. Sending offers where noticeable and customizable offers automatically generated from quotes. Customers can clearly see the pricing.), Pipeline (you can customize it to your specific business processes), notes and activities, loan list (provides all solar financing options on the market as a list. Also. You have the opportunity to choose which loan of your business offer from your company and what the selling costs of the seller), material catalog (database is where all solar products are located, means you infer less manually Ormation when creating the product list and only select items and set the prices).