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What is FundEgine?
Leading companies in the alternative asset management industry use the cloud-based Fundegine solution, built on the Salesforce platform, to complete the business development lifecycle, fundraising, business expansion, investment relationships, as well as fund management and reporting, transactions, Sourcing Fundegine also integrates with leading data providers, back up systems and fund managers. The best alternative for the asset management industry.
How should you install the software? This software is web based and has the ability to work on the cloud space. It can also be installed and run on Android mobile phones, iPad tablets and iPhone mobile phones.
How is software training? Education of this software for users is done through face-to-face and online education services. The user can also learn more about how to work with the software by studying the educational documents along with the software and participating in educational webinars.
Software features include: Calendar and Reminder System, Document Storage, Email Marketing, Internal Chat Integration, Eligible Customer,
Marketing automation, citations and estimates, segmentation, task management and
Domain management.
FundEGine extends a turnkey CRM with standard Salesforce CRM performance to alternative asset managers. It enables these companies to work smarter and simplify the processes of raising capital, investor services, transaction buying and portfolio litigation teams.