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Espocrm Import is an open customer communication management software that allows you to evaluate all information about your business, regardless of its type.

The software allows you to communicate how personalization for this purpose, all interactions are recorded and viewed, from creating contacts for development steps, notes and applications, the software is actually a great way to provide better customer service evaluation and customer service . Simple Analytics provides reports and you can view reports of your business, customer and business growth and use filters to put your information in context and better understanding, and you can also schedule calls and emails, make calls and schedule meetings between your customers and agents .
Which company is right? This app is suitable for small and medium businesses. Which devices can be installed? Based on the web, the cloud can also be installed on Windows desktops, Linux desktops, and Mac desktops. Able to support phone and chat with a support unit.
Does the Espocrm offer a free version? The software, has a free version and offers a free trial version that can be downloaded as downloadable software. Promises / estimates.
With high flexibility, new modules are quickly created and connected to the software. Easy to install and configure. Very light, easy to use and versatile. The design is very smart. Highly customizable is a good and responsive design team.