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What is edifyBiz?
Customer relationship management solution that helps businesses manage projects, tasks, contacts, interactions and more.
What jobs is this software suitable for? Suitable for sales and marketing, DSA loans, elevator industries, after sales, AMC solutions, contract management, project management, human resource management and much more...
How do you install the software? This software is web based and has the ability to work on the cloud. Can also be installed on Mac PCs, Android phones, iPad tablets, iPhone phones, Windows PCs, desktop Chromebooks and PCs is a Linux agent.
How is the software supported? Software support is done by calling the support staff, the software help section and chatting with the support staff.
How is software training? Education of this software for users is done through face-to-face and online education services. The user can also learn more about how to work with the software by studying the educational documents provided with the software, participating in educational webinars and watching educational videos.
This software has a free trial version that the user can use to test with the software and, if satisfied, purchase the full version.
Software features include: calendar and reminder system, document storage, email marketing, mobile access, quotes and estimates,
Social media integration, task management and domain management.