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Clientbook App
Clientbook App
Clientbook App
Clientbook App

Clientbook App is a platform built specifically for retail. In this program you can establish personal relationships with customers. You can also maintain your relationship with the customer without wasting time. This program is installed on mobile. The application of this software gives you a 360-degree view of customers. In this way, with the help of the Clientbook App, you can know the mind of each category of customers and determine the goals of relationships with them. This program is aimed at sales messages. Use all of these messages to be threaded and sent via your preferred method, such as SMS or email. You can equip all your sales staff with the "Clientbook App" to automate workflows, notes and reminders. In this way, every customer will respond faster. Automatic reminders help you always be on time. Find to communicate with the customer. If your employee needs help, you can start a conversation with him and support the store's customers and help him close the deal. Another feature of "Clientbook App" is protecting employees, teams and customers from offensive and inappropriate messages. This app helps your employees track customer tactics and increase their salary.