
What is a sales box?
SalesBoxai helps you talk to all your marketing clients, communicate with engaging and qualified leads through natural, two-way omni-channel conversations. Your SalesBoxai Avatar conducts simple sales calls with leads to analyze conversations. SalesBoxai then interprets the customer's intention and feelings to continue the conversation or take a specific action.
Best for sales and marketing across most verticals including technology, real estate, education, insurance, automotive and hospitality.
This software is web-based and has the ability to work on the cloud
Can also be installed on iPad tablets and iPhone mobile phones
Software support is done through the software help section, chatting with the support staff, the FAQ section and asking questions in the email exchange forum with the software support department.
The training of this software for users is done through face-to-face and online training services. Also, the user can learn more about how to work with the software by studying the educational documents along with the software.
This software has a free trial version that the user can use to test with the software and, if satisfied, purchase the full version.
Software features include: chatbot, intent detection,
Customer production, live chat, multi-channel communication, multilingual pre-configured robots, emotion analysis and social media integration.