
Every industry is different. Different teams each have different sales processes. So how can I track generic customer relationship management software? That's why we made CompanyHub fully customizable. Easily adaptable to your needs without any code. You can organize and prioritize documents. A reminder in the next section of the -UP section will help you communicate with customers on time and get more transactions. Email automation saves you hours per week. Powerful reporting too
CompanyHub gives you a complete picture of sales. Custom fields and tables Keep track of all the information you need with custom fields and tables. View all important information by customizing the columns. Filter data with one click with saved filters. Edit various records like Excel. 1TP1432 In CompanyHub, count click on a field to make changes. And save all changes with one click. Automate alerts, reminders, homework assignments, duplicate detection or other processes in clicks with drag and drop automation. Just like you, any modern sales organization needs to automate tedious tasks. And focus on constructive things. Automate almost anything in CompanyHub with clicks: business alerts and reminders, customer email reminders, admin alerts and notifications, any workflow and process like duplicate reviews, major changes like customer transfers, and more. If you don't answer, remind them.