Modera Salesfront
Modera Salesfront
Modera Salesfront
Modera Salesfront

Modera Salesfront is a CRM dealer system that helps car dealerships and mobile showrooms manage sales activities. It is an all-in-one solution for your dealership that helps solve the most common car sales problems. If you are looking for ways to make your agency more effective, reduce the time you waste on different processes, or if you want a better understanding of your team's weaknesses, this software is for you.
Modera Salesfront is web-based SaaS and can run in the cloud
It can also be installed and run on smart mobile phones with Android operating system, iPad tablets and iPhone mobile phones. Support for the software users is done by calling the support staff, software help department, chatting with the support staff, FAQs, asking questions in the e-mail exchange forum with the software support department.
Training to work with Modera Salesfront to its users is provided through in-person training and online training services. The user can also learn more about working with the software by reading the educational documents that come with the software and by participating in educational webinars and watching educational videos. This software has a free trial version that the user can use to test the software and, if satisfied, purchase the original version.
Modera Salesfront features include: contact database, document storage, financial management, lease tracking, new car dealership, quotes and estimates, service department, used car dealership and website integration. Most interactions in the car sales process already take place online. In order for brokers to maintain their value and position in these changing times, they must be prepared to systematically change their current role.
Modera Salesfront has already helped more than 30 different car brands adapt to the new world of multi-channel car sales.