
VTOCRM: B2B designed software that is easy to use and enables sales teams to support marketing comprehensive and complete software marketing by downloading and sending email campaigns, automating marketing campaigns, preparing brochures, social media and providing technical assistance in integrating technical websites. WebConfig applies to save time and energy. Electronic document and property automation software. Move to a paperless, efficient office environment to get organized. Which companies are right? It has a good market base for the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. How should you install the software? The software is cloud based and can be installed on a computer with Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems. How is the software supported? Support can be done through a dealer and live. How is the software training? Training is possible through training documents. Does the software offer a free trial? Yes, the software has a free trial version and also has a free version. It allows you to use the services for free. What parts and functions does the software have? It has a calendar and reminder system, the ability to save documents, the ability to integrate internal chat and work management