
Veritouch is static software added to the popular Dynamics 365 software, enabling banks and insurance companies to put CRM at the center of the digital transformation path. The software can integrate data with the organization's backup systems and digital channels to create a front-facing display integrated with standard processes. This software offers development capabilities, acquisition retention and loyalty in an all-channel architecture.
Best for Financial Institutions, Microbanking, Corporate Banking, Banking, SMB, Private Banking and Insurance.
This software is based on SaaS web and can be run in the cloud. It can also be installed and run on phones running the Android operating system, iPad tablets, and iPhone mobile phones.
Software support is provided through chats with software support personnel.
This software is taught to users through in-person and online training services. The user can also learn more about working with the software by reading the training documents with the software and participating in the training webinars.
This software has a free trial version that the user can test using the software and purchase the full version if they are satisfied.
Software features include: calendar and reminder system, call management, document storage, email marketing, customer production, customer management, customer competency, marketing automation, mobile access, quotes and estimates, relationship management, segmentation, social media integration, and task management.