Unternehmerheld CRM
Unternehmerheld CRM
Unternehmerheld CRM
Unternehmerheld CRM

It is a customer relationship management solution that helps businesses manage contacts, track interactions, manage customers and more.
Attracting customers is a major challenge for many founders, self-employed persons and small businesses. At the same time, attracting new customers is key to a company's success. To increase the chances of successful new customers, Unternehmerheld now offers its CRM software to its users.
The main problem with acquisition is that it is not done systematically and important facts are forgotten. Self-employed people often try to remember all customer acquisition dates and tasks, fill out confusing excel spreadsheets or write contacts in their messages. There is a high risk that important things will be forgotten when tasks are not completed and contacts and related information are lost.
Existing CRM systems, on the other hand, often have a very wide range of features that often make them difficult to use and are mostly used for call management. Lean and targeted solutions can add value, especially to individual users or small teams.
The CRM solution now available from Unternehmerheld focuses on sales opportunities. In connection with a new opportunity, the user always has the next task required on the way to successful completion to determine that the current sales path is always considered in graphical reviews so that gaps can be discovered in the early stages in the early stages. . Team members can be added and tasks can be distributed accordingly.
The Cr-Untternhmerheld is available for a non-binding 14-day trial phase. After that, users can choose the sharing model that suits them best.
With the CRM module we are constantly expanding the range of services at Unternehmerheld.