
Reallsavvy is a program for real estate companies. CRM The program is integrated and you can use it to manage marketing opportunities and automatically route routes. You can close the trades quickly with instant clue alerts and strong customer dashboard. This program helps you build attractive websites and generate traffic. RealSavvy has customizable websites and SEO proven themes. You can choose the theme you want from these luxury designs and personalize the website. Other features of this program include real-time chat with the customer. This program has a personalized mobile application for your company that allows you to trade more specifically and can also be installed on Android and iOS operating systems. This program provides you with several solutions to attract leads across the site. You can add as many recording forms or popups as you like. If you prefer mandatory registration in your company, the team of this program can add it for you. This program helps block communications and allows you to respond to your customers in an instant with Instant Messaging Alerts. Another feature of this app provides instant information about the properties your customers are viewing and saving. Also, their questions and comments are immediately displayed in your dashboard. You can prepare daily reports in the program dashboard. Use this report to find out where the clues are coming from and get an overview of your sales funnel.