
OroCRM is an open-source customer relationship management platform that is flexible to meet the needs of your business. And the ability to create a 5-degree view of your customers across multiple channels, organize sales pipelines, manage accounts and customer contact information, manage marketing campaigns and track campaign performance, powerful customer management tools, powerful reporting, and third-party integration.
Customers can use it in the SaaS/Cloud or Local Setup environment. Whether you're an international company or a mid-sized retailer, OroCRM is the best way to leverage customer data, build relationships, and increase sales. Which companies and corporations are offered? Our flexible software can meet the needs of any industry.

OroCRM can have 5 to 1000 operators. Which devices can be installed? Based on the web, the cloud can also be installed on Windows desktops, Linux desktops, and Mac desktops. But what is software training? Live tutorials online and offline as well as webinars - educational documentaries and videos are upgradable. Does the software offer a free version? This software has a free version and also has a free trial version that can be downloaded if you use and agree to the original version. And domain management.

OroCRM is the best way to use customer data to build relationships and increase sales.