
What is Indydesk?
Indydesk sales software helps you sell more with less stress. With our tools you can easily do the following: 1. Visualize and analyze your revenue opportunities 2. Create a custom sales path and assign customers in several steps 3. Integrate your customer resource and automate customers 4. Import existing customers and take actions 5. With Pipeline 6, prioritize more leads, put more effort on leads with high conversion probability. 7. Team management and tasks seamless
The sale of Indydesk is suitable for small and medium-sized businesses and covers all key touchpoints in the sales route from one clue to the customer.
This software is based on SaaS Cloud and can be run on the cloud
It can also be installed and run on personal computers with Mac operating system and personal computers with Windows operating system.
Software support is provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the software help section, chat with support staff and exchange emails with the software support section.
Education of this software for users is done through face-to-face and online education services. The user can also learn more about how to work with the software by reading the educational documents with the software.
This software has a free trial version that the user can use to test with the software and, if satisfied, purchase the full version.
Software features include: calendar/reminder system,
Document storage, customer competency, quotes/estimates, job segmentation and management.