
What's in shape?
In-form is a cloud-based service management and customer relationship management software that serves housing and homeless organizations.
In-form is our online file management system developed for the homeless sector and used by over 250 of our members to manage all their work with the people who help them.
We offer three versions of in-mould.
Infoforums - The free version for smaller charities, the first step to support your customers online. Our in-form community features are free to homeless transplant members.
In-Form Essential - An out-of-the-box solution for small and medium-sized charities. A complete set of tools to help you support people at every stage of their journey. Recommended for organizations with up to 15 system users.
In-shape enterprise - a fully customizable system for all charities. Scaled and tailored to your organization, a custom solution to manage a wide range of services. For organizations with more than 15 system users.
See the full product list at
If you would like more information about in-form, please contact or visit our in-form website at
Log in to our in-form community, our free member-only customer service system.
Visit the in-form product website to learn how a dynamic system can change how support is delivered and logged.
Sales support is provided across a full range of in-form products and services.
With a complete view of customer relationship management and service management for homeless and sponsored housing organizations, this free software gives you the opportunity to discover in-form or see how your organization can use the system for the first time. To develop.