Eclipse Recruitment Manager 4
Eclipse Recruitment Manager 4
Eclipse Recruitment Manager 4
Eclipse Recruitment Manager 4

What is Eclipse Recruitment Manager 4?
This is customer relationship management software for hiring. Get acquainted with (profit, gain) with contemporary techniques that emerged from full recruitment, which together enable the entire recruitment process for permanent, contractual and temporary recruitment. Eclipse Recruitment Manager 4 integrates seamlessly with your agency website and a range of accounting software to meet all your support needs.
Use the intuitive menu options to configure Eclipse Recruitment Manager 4 according to your operational needs. There are no hidden costs to configure standard software and it allows your non-technical manager to easily configure your recruiting software.
Create customer industry segments, call types, and shopping preferences.
Launch jobs in the industry with skill structures.
Define candidate compliance and employment law requirements.
Configure status change patterns temporary availability of candidates and need for vacancies.
Define system financial assumptions for currency preferences, timeline and billing.
Create frameworks, PSLs or customer agreement rate cards.
Standardize correspondence using custom email, SMS, MS Word and MS Excel templates
Secure your information with a comprehensive array of user groups for users and authorized users.
Has configuration options for GDPR and IR35.
A comprehensive customer relationship management system that allows your temporary and permanent recruiting teams to record and manage all of your client and client development development in one workforce software solution.