Connect CRM
Connect CRM
Connect CRM
Connect CRM

Connect CRM is a customer relationship management platform for automotive dealerships that helps them manage incoming reports, customer data, vehicle inventory, profit targets, inventory, sales, safety risks and more. The order is consistent. The software company is guaranteed to be the right customer relationship management software for web car dealerships, and Connect CRM can provide reports on car manufacturers, visitors, cars, inventory, sales, security threats, and more. Another management agency on the web can be installed on Android and iOS (no desktop version) to create a flexible and adaptable agency in the future to satisfy customers in any way. Manage your desk the way you want with Connect CRM with the most flexible and simple solution. Complete packages and finances that can be signed in store or remotely on any device. Simplicity, speed and customization for every transaction, from trade-in to car sold. You cannot run a modern dealership without modern solutions. Mergers are great, but finding ways to merge without paying merger fees is a dream. Connect CRM features include: accounting, contact database, document management, financial management, new car dealership, reporting and analytics, service department, used car dealership and website integration. This software is based on SaaS and can be installed and run on phones with Android operating system, iPad tablets and iPhone mobile phones.