
ASALTA is a cloud-based software that helps you manage inventory, orders, e-commerce and pos for your multi-channel business and your products, as well as store and re-store your products as they are sold in multiple locations. Manage the warehouse. E-commerce management, POS and channels all from a single system, allows brands to automate and integrate their business platforms and gain powerful insight into all their sales data on demand.
Suitable for apparel and fashion industry, arts and crafts, commercial supplies and equipment, books, electronics and hardware, consumer goods, cosmetics, furniture, health, health, luxury goods and jewelry, retail and sporting goods.
Asalta software is web-based and has the ability to work on the cloud, but does not have a version that can be installed on personal computers and mobile phones. Software support by calling the support staff of the department, the Software help department, chat with the support staff,
And email exchange with software support. This software is taught to users through online education services. The user can also learn how to work with the software by studying the educational documents provided with the software, participating in educational webinars and watching educational videos. This software has a free trial version that the user can use to test the software and, if satisfied, purchase the full version. Software features include: alerts/notifications, barcode and ticket scanning, e-commerce management, forecasting, inventory management, kiting, production inventory management, multi-channel management,
Multi-location, order management, product identification, real-time updates,
Component Management, Reporting and Statistics, Reporting and Analytics, additional features include: Retail Inventory Management, Return Management,
Third party supplier management, integration and warehouse management.