
EltConnect is software with multifunctional solutions to manage and communicate your business. Provides automatic workflow, invoicing, email, board, event management, file sharing and more. The program development and support team is based in the UK and Europe. Features that highlight this software include: strategic support (continuous support when using EARCONNECT service), regular updates (continuous software updates that consequently bring it more benefits), securely designed. EARCONNECT helps you take more time and increase the interaction between your team members. We provide all software solutions -One. We make your membership management easier and your target is 80 % in your management time. Our community software improves member interaction and adds value to your suggestion.
Membership software, CRM and Forum compliant with our GDPR provides an automated workflow for renewal, billing, email sending and more. Our forum offers discussions, file sharing and event management.
Our Help team is based in the UK and Europe. We guide you through software implementation and we are ready for strategic support after the work starts. Safe and reliable technology in accordance with the highest technical standards. Modern layout with visual navigation for your team and members.
A versatile solution with the functions of your chosen manager and member. We update our software regularly and bring the constant benefits.
Our customers say working with them is great. We help you during the implementation process and with constant strategic support.