Customer based customer relationship management software is that allows users to have a content management system and integrate Drupal, WordPress or Joomla! Civicrm is supported by thousands of people around the world and is fully adjustable and programmable. Software Features: High quality, reliable and easy to use, work seamlessly across various operating systems and devices. Suitable for civil society, non-profit, non-government, mission organizations, political groups, campaigns, etc., suitable database management tools. Acceptance of this software is very high and you can customize it according to your needs. Build, interact and organize your voters.
Powerful open source CRM used by more than 11,000 non-profit organizations. Knowing more
We've made it easy to learn about civicrm. Try a trial version to see how easy it is to use. Talk to our ambassadors - real users who are happy to share their experiences with you. Join a preliminary webinar from our partners. Or read our full docs to learn how we can do it all with civicrm.
Try the show version. Civicrm gives you complete freedom in host selection. You are not dependent on a specific data center or country. Eliminate hosting by choosing one of our expert partners to install your civicrm - you'll be done in no time. Or download, install and host civicrm in your hosting infrastructure (experts only!).
We pride ourselves on our large and diverse partner ecosystem - businesses of all shapes and sizes helping the amazing spectrum of organizations get the best use of civicrm. Find your right provider in our expert list. And check out our technology supporters who offer free services that integrate with civicrm.