Tranquil CRM
Tranquil CRM

“This CRM real estate software is designed to facilitate communication and the user to manage potential clients on the go. Your team can easily access and create contacts, SMS, email, whatsapp view the file management Activities, send site visit Reminders and new updates for customers at the click of a button, it is also related to your live unit availability, they can view existing units.
Best for real estate, e-commerce, small business manufacturing, SaaS, commerce, hospital insurance, logistics agency, retail, healthcare financing, education and tourism.
This software is based on SaaS web and can be run on the cloud. It can also be installed on Android mobile phones, iPad tablets and iPhones.
Software support is provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week by contacting support staff, software help section and exchanging emails with the support department.
Software features include: alerts and notifications, business card and logo scanning, calendar and reminder system, campaign management, cash flow analysis, catalog and categorization, customer and asset matching,
Commission management, contact management, CRM, customer service analytics, customer support, document storage, email marketing and email response monitoring.
Additional features include: file sharing, for investors and traders, for real estate managers, forecasting, internal chat integration, knowledge management, customer acquisition, customer distribution, customer production, customer management, customer development, customer segmentation of customers, live chat, marketing Automation, mobile access, performance statistics, sales path management, search tools, quotes and estimates, referral tracking, search and filtering, segmentation, self-service portal, media integration Social,
Resource sourcing, task management and domain management.