
ToolsonCloud is a cloud-based Sales CRM software that helps businesses manage customers, contacts, teams and more.
This software is best for freelancers, startups, small and medium businesses.
This software is based on SaaS web and can run on the cloud, but does not have a version that can be installed on personal computers and mobile phones.
Software support is provided through the software help section, chatting with the support staff, the FAQ section, asking questions on the forum and exchanging emails with the software support department.
Teach this application to users through training services
It happens online. The user can also learn more about how to work with the software by studying the educational documents together with the software and participating in educational webinars and watching educational videos.
This software has a free trial version that the user can use to test with the software and, if satisfied, purchase the full version.
Features of the software include: calendar and reminder system, customer competency, division and task management.
Quickly add to CRM
Visually manage customers in the funnel using the Kanban View of List.
Track the level of engagement of your active customers as hot, cold or hot customers.
Track conversations or sales discovery sessions.
Keep required reports and keep track of customer expectations.
Close to inactive customers with an appropriate classification such as disqualified, undescribed, or deferred.
Turn eligible customers into bargain opportunities.