
What is Helmdeck? Customizable software for business process creation and marketing, sales and customer support automation. Designed to serve businesses and startups. With the help of this tool you can support the sales, marketing team or office specialists and you can customize the software. And restructure the actual workflow of employees and for different scenarios of sales, purchases and support, ready and with Helmdeckniroy, your work is suitable for efficient processing, and all the trackable results of this software are suitable for which companies? What is the best option for customers with unusual needs who can find a solution to install the software? This software can be installed on the cloud, and what can the software support on the Internet? Support is available via the chat page. What language does the software support? The application supports the English language
How is software training? Live training is possible and through educational documentation. Does it offer a free version? The product does not have a free version, but offers a free trial. If the software can be produced, what are the functions and parts of the software? Calendar and reminder system, email market, internal chat integration, quotes and estimates, segmentation