
What is Growlab? Customer relationship management software designed to help economic development professionals manage surveys, reports, projects and more. For which companies is this software suitable? Software is a good option for economic development professionals. How can the software be installed? This web-based software can be installed on a computer running Mac, Windows, Linux and Chromebook operating systems. The customizable survey format software allows you to receive and store data for annual reporting. And with the ability to immediately report the results of your survey can be seen in the live report, the software has the ability to assign tasks so that all members of your team know what they are responsible for. This software is maintained with the ability to set emails for the next tasks of deadlines. You can copy the portfolio edit directly and upload attachments in a sample so that you and your team can quickly access them when needed. Find out what software support is? Support is available via e-mail and via e-mail and live desk. How is software training? Live training is also possible via webinars and educational documents. Does the software have a free version? No, the software does not have a free version nor does it offer a free trial