WiredContact Enterprise
WiredContact Enterprise
WiredContact Enterprise
WiredContact Enterprise

The WiredContact Enterprise Plan is a platform designed to manage a variety of businesses. This cloud-based app is a working customer. You can customize the program according to your needs. The features of this app are as follows: Automation of sales and contact management of email and email marketing campaigns, document management at both the account level and general level, add instant clones of the website form, there is a 360 degree view of accounts and Contacts, filter views, autosave functionality, export and import without monitoring, application schedule scheduling, set incentives to send emails to clients or directions, receive email notifications for future activities, and create a field. Custom, restricts users ability to delete - update - export by table, user security to restrict access to user records or fields, email notifications for calls and work calls, automatic scheduling of activities based on event database, mass email, integrated integration with E-mail service providers, there are several Fast Link Reporting forms, view all new capital with a link, rule-based guide guidance for users, find all records in the particular time interval, the existence of WiredContact Enterprise, receive automatically opportunity reports based on opportunity timing and via email and many other features and functions.